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(1 edit) (+2)

wtf happened

also please add more story and detail to the gender and clothing 

also also am i also a ghost? and if not why can i walk threw walls


great job ^^, kinda wish we got to see more of this universe


huh i think the witch is kinda mean but well the very end.. i mean seems like a happy ending doesn't it? i hope so, that's how i saw it!


It is!

nice (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

oh a thing i noticed, you used some tiles as walls in the first room for the house but not for the walls inside the house? was that intentional?

When you enter the house the perspective is changing so tiles outside the house aren't suitable.

you can make any tiles become walls by toggling the wall button if that's the concern

yeah, but then you can't check rooms bc there is an wall above door.